April, on the other hand, is full of potential. Full of completely lovely days like today, including walks to the Central Park subway stop with Sarah, and hot dogs devoured in the shadow of the Plaza. Utterly gorgeous day and dog.
The evening, however, has been squandered on watching this trailer over and over. He is my dream man. Even dreamier than the one on the subway last night with the paperback stuffed into the pocket of his corduroy blazer. I'm not one for hyphenated last names, but if I had to, I would be Elizabeth Byrne-Gordon-Levitt. (Like I would drop my last name, pffffffffff.)
It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but it will be rain tempered by a lunch at Thé Adoré, which I newly rediscovered and which I cannot stop thinking about utterly for one minute. I wake up in the morning and I think, Oooooh, can't wait for lunch! This has been approximately 5 days in the making. I couldn't last any longer.
It's the latest addition to my collection, a café for every day of the week:
Monday: Cupcake Café
Tuesday: 71 Irving Place
Wednesday: City Bakery
Thursday: Thé Adoré
Friday: Madeleine
For cupcakes, bagels with lox, chocolate chip cookies, baguette sandwiches, and quiches, respectively. Never claim I'm not well fed.