August 26, 2007

Big News

Utterly mad week, but at the end of it all, I have a job! A real job! With benefits and a salary and pencil skirts and tweed vests! 

I'm excited and nervous, one after the other. My adrenal glands are working on overdrive, and I start in two weeks.

In other news, my miniature sister is gone away at school again. The house is utterly empty without her banging around in it. Maggie follows me everywhere now. For instance, right now, when I turn around and look down behind my chair, this is what I see:

Poor, wayward pup. She and Amy have a special relationship because she thinks Amy is part dog. I'm absolutely almost certain.

For reasons I'd rather not re-explain, I ended up at MoMA on Saturday afternoon, semi-partially because my original plan went bust, and mostly-partially because it was swamp outside, and everyone knows museums and movie theatres are the two places you go for lovely a.c. I hadn't been there since it reopened with much fanfare, and dear readers, I had completely the best time. I stood and looked at this for a very long while.

Despite the evidence to the contrary (right), I think photography should be utterly outlawed at the museum. No one looked at the art. Everyone just crowded around to take pictures of it. Dumb. Just dumb. And the security guards went mental whenever a renegade flash went off.

One more:

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